Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Inverted Minors

In inverted minor raises, the responses to the opening of a minor suit are reversed:
1D p 2D
-- 10 HCP and up, WITH NO 4 CARD MAJOR.
This bid is forcing for 1 round, but NOT beyond 3 of the agreed suit.
Also, you must not then bid 2NT with 13, as responder, as this is NOT forcing.
1D p 3D
-- 5-9 hcp, also NO 4 CARD MAJOR. To make this bid one must have at least 5 diamonds, but in clubs one should have 5. It is also recommended that one have no 4 major suit cards.


With balanced 12-13 hcp, and BOTH majors stopped, bid 2NT. Responder, with minimum, may pass or bid 3 of anchor suit, especially if they do NOT have a stopper in the unbid minor suit.
With other minimum balanced hands, bid stoppers up the line. If responder rebids 2NT or 3 of agreed suit, pass.
If responder bids suit below 3 of the agreed suit, consider that a stopper, but do not go beyond 3 of the agreed suit as
the game force needs to be established by responder.
With unbalanced hand and 12-13 HCP, bid 3 in anchor suit in an attempt to preempt the opponents just in case responder is also a minimum.
If responder forces action beyond 3 of agreed suit, it shows 13+ HCP and is game forcing.
If responder forces action beyond 3NT, it shows interest in slam.
With balanced 14-15 HCP, and hand good enough for game, temporize by showing a stopper, but be sure that 3NT or 4 of the anchor suit is reached. Responder may bid 3 of agreed suit to show long trumps with minimum values or cue bid a new suit at the 2 or 3 level to show stopper and make a 3NT game try.

If Opener has interest in SLAM, begin cue bidding and continue beyond attempt by responder to sign off at part score or 3NT.

Jump shift
is a "splinter", and shows a singleton or void in the suit jumped into.

Double jump shift
is control asking bid - 1 step = no control;
2 steps = 2nd round control (singleton or KQ, because with Kx you bid NT, which does NOT count as a step);
3 steps = first round control (Ace or void, with poor trump length); 4 steps = absolute control (void, or singleton Ace with adequate trump support or AK). Repeat of asking bid asks 3rd round control specifically. 1 step = no controls; 2 steps = doubleton; 3 steps = Qxx or better. Jump to 4 in agreed suit = Roman Keycard Blackwood - follow usual step responses.

Sunday, October 23, 2011


Upside Down Count and Attitude (UDCA) - Inverting the "standard" meanings and depending on whether count or attitude signals are appropriate:

Attitude signals:

A high-low signal shows negative attitude

A low-high signal shows a positive attitude

Examples: Partner leads a SK, obviously the top of a sequence. Partner signals:

Low-High shows interest in the suit, or no interest in switching to another suit

High-low shows disinterest in the suit, requesting leader to switch to another suit

Conditions for attitude signals:

One partner leads the suit, other partner follows playing to the trick

Either side leads a suit, partner is void, discarding in a side suit

When the value of providing attitude signals to partner exceeds the value to Declarer

Also see Smith Echo

Count signals:

High-low shows an odd number of cards in the suit

Low-high shows an even number of cards in the suit

Conditions for count signals:

Opponent leads a suit

One partner leads the suit, other partner follows playing to the trick (although most players show attitude signals in this scenario)

When the value of providing count signals to partner exceeds the value to declarer

Smith Echo

Used when opponents are playing a Notrump contract, a discard signal indicating attitude of partner's opening lead. The discard signal is provided by the partner of the leader at the first opportunity, typically after declarer has won the trick. The play of a low spot card signals a discouragement while a high card provides a positive signal to continue the suit of the opening leader.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Reverse Bergen Raise

In the game of bridge, Bergen raises specify a conventional treatment of raising a major suit opening in a five-card major system . This convention is named after Marty Bergen, the developer of this treatment.

When Bergen raises are used, over a 1♥ (1♠) opening the bids of 3♣, 3♦ and 3♥ (3♠) all denote a four (or more) card trump support on hands of variable high card strength:

3♣ – invitational to game (typically 11-12 high card points)
3♦ – weak (typically 7-10 high card points)
3♥/3♠ – very weak (preemptive, typically less than 7 high-card points and four card support)
4♥/4♠ – very weak (preemptive, typically less than 7 high-card points and five card support)

Bergen raises are designed to take advantage of the Law of total tricks, which states that with nine trumps one should compete at the three-level regardless of high card strength.

Reverse Bergen off after interfer except double.


Lebensohl - A comprehensive arsenal of bids designed to handle several difficult auctions, including:
George Boehm originally attributed the convention resolving opponent's notrump interference to Ken Lebensold, who did not wish to take credit for the convention nor request the proper spelling of his name.
Partnership agreement needed:
1. Most play "systems on" over opponents' double: 1N - (X) - ?    Stayman, Jacoby Transfer, etc still on
2. Most play "systems on" over opponents' 2C overcall: 1N - (2C) - ?         Jacoby Transfer, etc still on
3. Basic Lebensohl suggests responder's double of opponents' 2D+ level or above overcall is for penalty, as:
    1N - (2D) - X
    Many advanced Lebensohl players prefer to play responder's double of opponents' overcall is a negative
    double for "takeout", as:
    1N - (2S) - X               Some partnerships play takeout at the 2 level, some at the 3 level but not the 2 level
Note - partner naming conventions seem reversed in Lebensohl discussions when overcaller Doubles.  After partner of the Doubler bids 2 Notrump, it is the Doubler who is known as the "Responder" (of the 2 Notrump bid); accordingly, the 2 Notrump bidding becomes known as the "Advancer".
Assuming overcaller has made a 2 level overcall, Lebensohl allows responder to clarify holdings as: signoff, invitational, forcing one round, game forcing.  Lebensohl also allows responder to show or deny a stopper.  Lastly, Lebensohl has a Stayman-like bidding sequence.  Generally, Lebensohl bidding is based on:
Immediate direct cuebids or jump bid denies a stopper ("fast denies"), while smaller incremental bids show a stopper ("slow shows").  These bids are game forcing.
After advancer (responder) bids 2 Notrump, the opener is forced to bid 3C unless opponent makes an intervening call.  Follow-up bids will indicate the nature of Advancer's hand.
When advancer makes a direct suit overcall at the 3 level, the bid is game forcing.  Thus, Lebensohl does not facilitate responder/advancer invitational bids in a suit below the overcalling opponent.  Experience shows the responder should initially pass (or double for penalty if their system permits), anticipating the 1 Notrump opener will make a suit bid showing a 5 card suit or make a reopening double which permits responder to make a belated call.
When responder bids at the 2 level or advances with 2 Notrump followed by a lower ranking suit than the overcalling opponent,  advancer's suit rebid is signoff.
When advancer bids 2 Notrump and opener puppets to 3C, then Advancer's 3 level bids above the opponents' bid suit are invitational.

1N - (X) - ?
Stayman (many play systems on over opponent's Double)
5+ card suit (assuming partnership plays "systems on," advancer's (responder's) bid shows the next higher suit), i.e. Jacoby Transfer
Redouble is typically "SOS", forcing opener to bid 2C,
advancer will Pass (showing Clubs and weak hand) or correct to 2D
Typically "to play" (no desire to escape overcaller's penalty double)
Note: some weak Notrump opener's prefer to play responder's Pass forces opener to Redouble; this allows responder to Pass penalizing overcaller (or hope opponent's will make a call) or responder may bid a longish suit after opener's Redouble.
1N - (2C) - ?
Typically Stayman (systems on over opponent's 2C overcall)
5+ card suit (next higher suit), i.e. Jacoby Transfer
If opponent's 2C overcall is natural, Pass is "to play". If conventional, Responder may follow up with a natural non-forcing bid
Advancer forces opener to puppet to 3C.  Advancer's rebid above overcaller's suit is invitational
Advancer's 3 level suit overcall is game forcing
1N - (2D) - ?
Penalty (however many advanced players now play this as a  Negative Double for "takeout")
5+ card suit, to play
Advancer forces opener to puppet to 3C. Advancer rebid above overcaller's suit is invitational
Advancer's 3 level suit overcall is game forcing
1N - (2D) - ?
2N by responder forces opener to relay to 3C
After 1N - (2x) - 2N - (P);
1N - (2D) - 2N - (P);
3C -  (P)  - ?      
Responder rebids:
Pass is to play.  Responder is showing 5+ Clubs
3D (cuebid) is game forcing with Diamond stopper ("slow shows") and a 4 card major
3H/S, 5 card suit and invitational hand; advancer would have made an immediate 3 level call to show game forcing values
3N, "to play" with stopper in Diamonds ("slow shows");  without a stopper, advancer would make an immediate 3 Notrump call (ostensibly showing a half-stopper or willingness to play in 4 of a minor suit)
1N - (2D) - ?      Responder direct jump bids (without going through 2N) are game forcing:
Game forcing with Club suit
Game forcing with a 4 card major and no stopper in Diamonds - "fast denies"
Game forcing with Hearts/Spades
Game forcing and no stopper in opponent's suit ("fast denies")

1N - (2H) - ?      Responder's 2 level suit bids are to play (non-forcing), 2N forces 3C with
                           advancer's follow-up bid is either "to play", "Stayman" invite, or show stopper
                           (further details follow below)
Penalty (however many advanced players now play this as a  Negative Double for "takeout")
5+ card suit, to play
2N by responder forces opener to relay to 3C
After 1N - (2H) - 2N - (P);
          3C -  (P)  - ?
1N - (2H) - 2N - (P);
3C -  (P)  - ?
Pass is to play, showing 5+ Clubs (indirectly bidding a lower suit at the 3 level)
3D is to play, showing 5+ Diamonds (indirectly bidding a lower suit at the 3 level)
3H is Stayman (showing 4 Spades), showing a stopper
3S is invitational, showing 5+ Spades  (indirectly bidding a higher suit at the 3 level)
3N is to play, showing a stopper (indirectly bidding 3N)
Invitational, showing 5+ Clubs/Diamonds
Stayman (showing 4 Spades), denying a stopper
Game forcing, showing 5 Spades (jump bid)
Game forcing, denying a stopper ("direct denies")

Opponent makes a preemptive weak 2 bid, with overcaller Doubling

Overcalling partner's 2 level bid is to play

Overcalling partner's 2 Notrump shows a 1 Notrump opener with stoppers in opponents' suit

When overcalling partner makes a takeout Double, with less than 7 points advancer wishes to make a signoff bid involving the Lebensohl 2 Notrump bid.
As before, when opponent overcalls partner's 1 Notrump bid, Lebensohl may be used after opponent opens preemptively with a weak 2 bid and partner doubles. This treatment allows responder to clarify holdings including: signoff, invitational, forcing one round, game forcing.  Similarly, Lebensohl here allows  partner of the Doubler to show or deny a stopper, and continues to allow a Stayman-like bidding sequences.  As we have seen before, Lebensohl bidding is based on:
(2D) - X - (P) - ?
Immediate direct cuebids or jump bid denies a stopper ("fast denies"), while smaller incremental bids show a stopper ("slow shows").  These bids are game forcing.
(2D) - X - (P) - 3D
After partner's Double, the 2 Notrump bid asks opener to bid 3C; however here overcaller may have 17+ points and choose not to accept the 3C puppet transfer.  "Disobedient" follow-up bids show the true nature of overcaller's hand, typically forcing game.
(2D) - X - (P) - 2N;
(P) - 3C
                       Acceptance, willingness to play
(2D) - X - (P) - 2N;
(P) - 3D/H/S/N
           Overcaller has strong interest in game, denying
                                   Advancer's captaincy
Advancer's lowest level bids, those made at the 2 level or beneath 3 of the opponent's bid suit after Responder's 2 Notrump "puppet" are signoff bids.
(2D) - X - (P) - 3C
When Responder bids 2 Notrump and Advancer puppets to 3C, Advancer's 3 level bids above the opponent's bid suit are invitational.
(2D) - X - (P) - 2N;
(P) - 3C - (P) - 3H
(2H) -  X  - (P) - 2N;   
  (P)  - 3C - (P) - ?;   
Advancer Bid After Bidding 2N relay and Responder's 3C response * See Note

Pass, to play showing 5+ Clubs
3H is Stayman, game forcing with stopper ("slow shows")

3S is game forcing showing Spades (overcaller bids 3 Notrump or 4 Spades)
3N shows a stopper without fewer than 4 Spades
* Note: with a strong 17+ point hand, Doubler may deny Responder's 3C bid request after 2N and bid naturally to show extra values.
(2H) -  X  - (P) - ?;     Advancer direct bids without going through 2N show 7+ points (forcing)
7-10 points with 5+ Clubs/Diamonds
Stayman, 7+ points and no stopper ("fast denies")
5 Spades, game forcing offering choice of 4S or 3 Notrump
Game values without major suit trump support - "fast denies" stopper

 Opener has made a 2 level reverse bid as:

1D - 1S;
2H - ?

Opener makes a reverse bid showing 17+ points - a 2 level rebid of a rank higher than the 1 level opening bid (assuming responder's bid did not break the 2 level barrier). The responder now has a difficult bidding decision, particularly with minimum hand.   Perhaps the responder only had 5 points with a fair 5 card major suit, evaluating the hand a 6 points adding 1 distribution point.  From the Responder's perspective, game is quite unlikely so responder has interest to signoff below game.  Here, the Lebensohl treatment handles opener's reverse bid, again using responder's 2 Notrump bid (except 2 of opposite major, bidding the fourth suit used when opener bidding begins 1C and rebids 2D):
1C - 1S;
2H - 2N;
3C - 3S
2N requests opener to bid 3C, allowing responder to make a signoff bid. 
1C - 1S;
2H - ?
Bidding 2S, 3C, or 3D are all game forcing constructive bids.
1C - 1S;
2D - 2H
Bidding 2 of opposite major after opener's 1C -> 2D rebid is Lebensohl. Responder's 2H (fourth suit) is equivalent to 2N in other auctions where opener reverses - in essence, responder cheaper bid of fourth suit or 2N is Lebensohl.
1C - 1H;
2D - 2S
Same as above.   Bidding 2 of opposite major after opener's 1C -> 2D rebid is Lebensohl. Responder's 2S (fourth suit) is equivalent to 2N in other auctions where opener reverses - in essence, responder cheaper bid of fourth suit or 2N is Lebensohl.
1C - 1H;
2D - ?
Similarly, any bid other than the Lebensohl 2S (fourth suit - opposite major) is game forcing.  So if responder bids 2N instead of the fourth suit, the 2N bid is game forcing.  Ditto when responder rebids 2H or any other bid.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Negative free bid

Negative free bid is a bridge convention (or, more accurately, a treatment) whereby a free bid by responder over an opponent's overcall is not forcing, and just shows a long suit in a weak hand. This is in contrast with standard treatment, where a free bid can show unlimited values and is unconditionally forcing. The treatment is a relatively recent invention, and has become quite popular, especially in expert circles.
Negative free bids are supposed to solve relatively frequent situations where the responder holds a long suit with which he would like to compete for a partscore, but is deprived from bidding it by opponent's overcall. For example, if South holds: 86  KJ10852  K6  532, partner opens 1 and East overcalls 1, he couldn't bid 2 in standard methods, as it would show 10+ high-card points, and a negative double would be too off-shape. With NFB treatment in effect though, he can bid 2 which the partner may pass (unless he has extra values and support, or an excellent suit of its own without tolerance for hearts).
However, as a corollary, negative free bids affect the scope of negative double; if the hand is suitable for "standard" forcing free bid (10-11+ points), a negative double has to be made first and the suit bid only in the next round. Thus, the negative double can be made with the following types of hand:
  • A weakish hand with unbid suits (unbid major)
  • A stronger hand with unbid suits
  • A strong (opening bid or more) one-suited hand.
This can sometimes allow the opponents to preempt effectively.

Responder's new-suit bid is NOT a NFB if the bid is made:
  • At a level of 3H or higher. If partner opens 1S and your RHO overcalls 3D, no Negative Freebid is available; your new-suit bid of 3H or 4C is forcing.
  • At the one-level. Responder's new-suit bid at the one-level carries the standard meaning. After 1D by partner, 1H by RHO, a freebid of 1S is unlimited, showing 6+ points and a 5+-card suit (since you would make a negative double if you held only 4 spades).

Roman Key-Card Blackwood (RKCB)

RKCB is used after you and partner have agreed on a trump suit. Your auction must have confirmed support for a suit -- or one of you must have shown great length in the suit -- before you can assume that 4NT is Key-Card Blackwood. This is one of the most difficult aspects of RKCB to handle, so it's important for a partnership to discuss what types of auctions will confirm a trump suit.
If you bid 4NT directly over a 1-level opening bid, it's most valuable to use this as just "regular" Blackwood. No suit has been raised, so opener's response shows only the number of aces.
If you have an agreed trump suit, the responses to 4NT give information about 5 key cards -- the 4 aces, plus the king of the agreed trump suit. The meanings of responses to 4NT are:
  • 5C -- 0 or 3 key cards
  • 5D -- 1 or 4 key cards
  • 5H -- 2 key cards, but no queen of trumps
  • 5S -- 2 key cards WITH the queen of trumps
  • 5NT -- 2 or 4 key cards AND a useful void
  • 6 of a non-trump suit -- 1 or 3 key cards and a void in that suit (this is only used if the void suit can be shown below 6 of your trump suit)
  • 6 of the agreed trump suit --1 or 3 key cards and a void in a higher-ranking suit

Finding outside kings

After a 5C, 5D, 5H or 5S response, the Blackwooder can bid 5NT to ask about the number of kings you hold. Since you've already shown (or denied) the trump king, you don't count this when you make your 6-level response to the king-ask. The steps are 6C (no outside kings), 6D (1 king), 6H (2 kings), 6S (3 kings).
If the Blackwooder uses the 5NT king-ask, he guarantees that your side has all five key cards and he promises interest in a grand slam. If you have significant extra strength or an undisclosed source of tricks (a solid side suit, for example), you can accept the grand-slam try immediately (without answering number of kings) by jumping to 7 of your suit.

Finding the trump queen

If responder has 2 key cards, his bid of 5H or 5S will also tell you if he holds the trump queen. You can also get this information after a 5C or 5D response. To do this, the Blackwooder bids the cheapest step (5D over a 5C response, 5H over 5D).
If the Blackwooder uses this step to ask and you do not have the trump queen, you retreat to 5 of your agreed suit. If you do have the queen, you bid the cheapest suit where you have a king.
After you bid your cheapest king, if the Blackwooder has room (and is interested in a grand slam), he can bid a new suit to ask if you have a king in that suit, too.
Here's an example auction:
   AK943                              Q876
   AQ1043                             K5
   A2                                 K1043
   4                                  AJ5 

  Opener:                             Responder:                             
    1S                                 2NT (forcing spade raise)
    4NT (How many key cards?)          5D (I have 1 or 4 key cards for a spade slam.)  
    5H (Do you have the spade queen?)  6D (I have the spade queen AND the diamond
                                         king, but I don't have the club king.)
    6H (I need the heart king.)        7S (I have the heart king, too.)
    Pass (Yay!)


There are several variations of RKCB responses. The "standard" treatments are the 5C, 5D, 5H and 5S responses, and the Blackwooder's use of the cheapest suit to ask about the trump queen. However, some pairs use different responses to show voids and to answer the queen-ask. Also, some pairs bid specific kings (instead of using the steps) when the Blackwooder uses the 5NT king-ask. You should go over these parts of RKCB with your partner to be sure you're both playing it the same way.

XYZ Convention

XYZ Convention - XYZ, meaning 3 successive partnership bids beneath the 2 level is a forcing conventional bid (similar to New Minor Forcing and Checkback Stayman methods).  Like similar conventional bids, opener's artificial "Z" call in the XYZ sequence is alertable.  XYZ allows the partnership to explore game using low level bids and efficiently find suit fits.  Generally, the XYZ Convention is "on" when responder's rebid options include both minor suits (2C and 2D).  The XYZ Convention has 10 possible unimpeded bidding sequences:
1C - 1D;
1C - 1D;
1C - 1D;
1C - 1H;
1C - 1H;
1C - 1S;
1D - 1H;
1D - 1H;
1D - 1S;
1H - 1S;

If the opposition enter the auction, XYZ is still on in 1 level auctions, such as:

1C - (X) - XX - (1H/S);
1D - (1H/S) - X - (P);
1D - (P) - 1H - (1S);
   Still on if Support Dbl
After XYZ is invoked by opener, responder's bids are:
Requests opener to bid 2D which responder may pass or follow up with an invitational bid
Game forcing, responder's hand pattern not yet disclosed, leaving an abundance of bidding space
Showing a signoff bid, except opener's reverse: 1H followed by 2S
Inviting 3N
Showing a signoff bid
Game forcing, shape showing

Monday, October 17, 2011

Keri NT series

从本期开始根据Ron Klinger先生的“Bid Better Much Better"的思想并结合实例对Keri一无将体系做一些详细讨论。

在一无将开叫后,最常用的约定叫莫过于stayman(斯台曼). 请看2000年百慕大杯上挪威对法国的一副牌:
      西       东                             叫牌过程         西     东
     S   Q 7 2       J 9 5 3                               1NT     2C(Stayman)
    H   A K T 6       J 7 5 4                             2H     3H
    D   Q 9 8 2     A 3                                    PASS
    C   A 7         Q J 8



    西       东                 叫牌过程     西       东
  S   K Q J 2     8 6 3                   1NT     2C
  H Q 7 4       A K J 5                  2S       2NT
  D A K 4       9 6 3 2    
  C T 9 5       J 7


目 前在许多专家中流行4花色转移叫, 即开叫1NT后,2D-2H, 2H-2S, 2S-3C,2NT-3D均是转移叫,那么自然的2NT邀叫要通过1NT-2C-2X-2NT的途径来显示,即通过Stayman后再叫出2NT的应叫人 并不保证有4张高花,而仅表示3nt邀叫。 但这样的过程往往给防守方提供的信息太多有利于敌方防守。

  西     东                                        叫牌过程     西         东
S J 6         K Q 7 4 2                                      1NT     2H(转移)
H J 9 6       8                                                    2S       3NT
D A J 7       K Q 4                                           PASS
C A K Q 7 2   8 6 5 3    

叫牌过程看上去没问题,可如何能发现H上的漏洞? 3NT能打吗?

  哈曼                     叫牌过程       索罗威      哈曼
S Q                                                 1NT     2D(转移)
H A K T 9 8                                     2H        2NT.......
D T 7 6 2
C   T 9 5


二. 体系的基本结构
均型牌,pass; 非均型牌选择一个5张以上高花或6张以上低花的部分定约。用通常的转移叫手段,高花可以停在2阶,但低花通常就必须上3阶了,因此不主张选择5张低花套的部分定约。


-- 0-7点弱牌:均型或半均型pass;有5张高花通过2D或2H转移到2阶高花,与标准方法完全一样,没什么特别

-- 1NT-2C: 这是一个最常用的叫品,2C在此不是Stayman, 而是一个傀儡叫(puppet)或称接力叫,要求开叫者接力到2D, 而开叫者必须无条件再叫2D, 等待应叫者的第2次再叫来澄清其牌情:
(1)1NT-2C-2D-PASS: 持5张以上方块套的弱牌,不愿意打1NT定约。能打2D定约是该体系的一个优势;
(2)1NT-2C-2D-2H或2S: 持4-5张高花的邀叫牌力,开叫者根据自己牌情可pass,定约停在2阶高花上;
(4)1NT-2C-2D-2NT: 进局逼叫,后续叫牌将在今后系列中详细介绍。

-- 1NT-2D: 转移叫,5张以上H,应叫者持弱牌PASS,再叫3H为6张H的邀叫,其他再叫为进局逼叫。

-- 1NT-2H: 转移叫,5张以上S,应叫者持弱牌PASS,再叫3S为6张S的邀叫,其他再叫为进局逼叫。

-- 1NT-2S: 询问开叫方的高低限,开叫方2NT为低限,3C为高限,这是均型牌的3NT邀叫途径,也是6张以上单套牌满贯试探的途径。

-- 1NT-2NT: 转移到3C,再叫pass为6张以上C的弱牌,其它再叫均为进局逼叫。

-- 1NT-3C/3D/3H/3S: Splinter, 表示比该花色高一级的花色(即依次表示D/H/S/C)单缺,进局逼叫。


   三. 1NT-2C后的后续叫牌
1NT-2C,应叫者通过2C这样一个傀儡(puppet)叫品, 要求开叫者无条件地接力到2D后,再用下一个叫牌来表示其真实意图。这里的2C是1NT后最为便宜的一个应叫,与stayman无关,只能理解为是一种为 了后面更准确表达应叫者牌情的一种人工过渡叫品。而开叫者必须再叫2D, 毫无例外。其后的再叫为:
(1) 1NT-2C-2D-PASS
            S 8 6 4
            H J 5
            D T 9 8 5 3 2
            C K T 4

牌例3-2     S   A 8 6 4                      牌例3-3     S   K 6 5
                  H   J 5                                                 H   A 9 7 3 2
                  D   8 6 5 3                                          D   8 6 5
                 C   K 6 5                                             C   Q 5
            1NT-2C-2D-2S                                1NT-2C-2D-2H


-- pass: 3张将牌支持,或4张将牌支持的4-3-3-3牌型,使定约停在2阶水平。这样有可能导致定约成为4-3的将牌配合。但经验表明当牌力不足时,2阶的4-3将牌配的有将定约在多数情况下优于2NT定约;

--当应叫者叫出2H邀叫后的2S: H只有双张但有4张(甚至可能有5张)S,看看应叫者是否还有4张S,由应叫者最后选择PASS 2S或回到2nt来止叫。这同时也解释了刚才描述的应叫者持4-4高花或5张H加4张S时为什么要选择2H邀叫的理由;


--3C*: 特殊的人工叫品,表示控制好的低限,4张将牌支持,并同时有一门无废点力的双张边花(如不能是QX之类)的4-4-3-2牌型。此叫品是为了在同伴为高限邀叫牌力或也有牌型优势时仍不放弃叫到局的可能,应叫者随后可酌情决定是否叫到局。


--3D:4-3-3-3 牌型,允许其4张为将牌,这在应叫方也为平均牌型时,尽管有高花将牌配合,但仍可能找到较合理的3NT作为最终定约;



--当应叫者叫出2S邀叫后的3H: 否定有3张以上S支持,但有5张H,问应叫者是否有3张H支持;


牌例3-4             西     东                 牌例3-5               西       东
                   S     A K          9 5 4                               A 8 4       9 5 2
                  H    K Q T 6     A J 4 3                           K 7 5 2     A 8 4 3
                  D    8 6 4 3     7 5                                  A K          Q 5 3
                  C     K 8 4       Q J 7 5                            Q J 8 4     K 7 3                        

牌例3-6     西      东                   牌例3-7         西       东
      S   A 8 7 3     9 5                                  A K 3        9 6 7
            H   K 7 5       A 8 4 3 2                   K Q J 5     A 6 4 3
            D   A K          Q 5 2                          A 8 4        K Q 2
            C   Q J 8 4     K 7 3                         9 7 4     T 8 3

前 面(2)中讨论的是应叫人持4-5张高花套的邀叫,那么现在这一叫牌过程就是应叫人持低花套的进局邀叫。只不过与高花邀叫相比,低花邀叫要上到3阶,因此 要求其长度为6张以上的好套(至少带有AKQ之一)和6-8大牌点。若持7张至少带一大牌的套,大牌点甚至可以降低到4-5点。至于5张低花套如何邀叫? 一般通过1NT-2S(询问高低限)的途径来直接试探3NT,不必显示出具体的低花套。而对有9点以上的6张低花套,应叫人应直接叫到局(后续系列将介 绍)。
之后开叫人的再叫选择:Pass、 叫3NT以及在3阶显示旁门花色的止张来试探3NT。在显示旁门花色的止张时,按最便宜的原则顺着花色等级叫。若越过某门花色,则否定所越过的这门花色有止张。如:
   西                   东                              叫牌过程           西     东
S   A 8 2            7 5                                                   1NT     2C
H   A 8               9 2                                                    2D     3C
D   A 7 6 4 2     9 8 2                                               3NT     Pass
C   K 9 3           A Q 8 6 5 2

      西             东                                       叫牌过程     西      东
S   A 9 8 2     T 4                                                      1NT         2C
H   K Q J 9     A T 2                                                    2D         3C
D   Q 9           8 5                                                       PASS
C   Q J 5        K 8 7 4 3 2
西家虽然有C配合,但低限且控制较差,应该Pass 3C。

  西                  东                                 叫牌过程       西     东
S   A K J         7 4                                                 1NT        2C
H T 4 3          7 5                                                   2D        3D
D K Q 5         A J T 6 3 2                                      3S        4D
C A T 3 2       Q 6 5                                              PASS

    西                 东                                   叫牌过程     西       东
S   A K J        7 4 2                                                 1NT            2C
H   T 4 3        5                                                        2D             3D
D   K Q 5       A J 9 8 6 3 2                                     3S              5D
C   A T 3 2     7 5                                                 PASS

    西      东                                                      叫牌过程     西       东
S   A K 3 2     8 6 4                                                      1NT        2NT(转移到C)
H   A 5 2        K Q                                                           3C        PASS
D   A 8 4 3     Q 5
C   Q 6           9 8 7 5 4 2

(4)1NT-2C-2D-2NT 进局逼叫
但 是,若应叫人具有成局以上牌力且相对均型的牌时,就需要有一个叫品即能显示出进局逼叫的意图,又能同时询问开叫人的具体牌情,以便寻找最佳定约。这个进局 逼叫又同时兼问叫的叫品就是在1NT-2C-2D后应叫人再叫2NT。这里2NT绝不能理解为3NT邀叫!! 最好理解为类似于精确体系1NT-2D中逼局Stayman的2D。
在1NT-2C-2D-2NT 进局逼叫后,开叫方的再叫为:

--3C= 无5张高花且牌型为非4-3-3-3的任何其他牌,如4-4-3-2或5-3-3-2(5张为低花)的牌型:

--3D= 任何4-3-3-3牌型:

--3H或3S= 5张H或S高花9(通常应为5-3-3-2牌型),注意:本体系鼓励5张高花的均型牌开叫1NT:

       西       东                                      叫牌过程       西       东
S   K 5 4 2       A 8                                                 1NT          2C
H   A K Q 6     J 8 7 5                                             2D           2NT
D   A 4             Q J 3                                                 3C         3D*        *问高花
C   Q T 3         K 6 4 2                                               3H        4H     End

  西       东                                 叫牌过程   西     东
S   K 6 5 3     A J 7 4                               1NT       2C
H   A K Q 6     7 5                                     2D       2NT
D   A 4         Q J 3                                     3C       3D
C Q T 3       K 6 5 4                                  3H*     3NT     *4-4高花先叫H
                                                                 4S**     Pass     ** 东既然3D问但否定H配,应该有S配
    西       东                                    叫牌过程     西     东
S   K 9 8 5     Q J T 4                                     1NT     2C
H   K Q 6     A 3 2                                            2D     2NT
D   K 5 3     A 8 4                                            3D*   3NT**     *4-3-3-3 牌型
C   A 9 2     7 4 3                                                             ** 都是4-3-3-3牌型,没必要找将牌配合

    西       东                                   叫牌过程     西     东
S K 9 8 3     Q J T 4                                       1NT     2C
H K Q 6        A 2                                              2D     2NT
D K 5 3        A 8 4                                            3D     3S*   *4-2-3-4对着开叫人4-3-3-3,应找将牌配
C A 9 2        7 6 4 3                                         4S**         ** 打4-4将牌配合有将定约为佳

  西        东                                     叫牌过程     西    东
S J 7 3         A 6 5 4 2                                    1NT     2C
H Q J 6       T 4                                              2D       2NT
D K Q J 5   A 4 2                                           3D       3NT*   *5-3-3-2对4-3-3-3,3NT更好
C A K 6       Q J 4                                         Pass

四. 高花转移叫及其后续叫牌
  高花转移叫在许多情况下与标准叫牌方法相同,即应叫人通过1NT-2D-2H 或 1NT-2H-2S来表示5张以上高花,然后,应叫人的再叫为:

--PASS: 持有5张以上高花的弱牌,不想打或不适合打1NT。经验表明,当应叫人持5张高花的弱牌时尤其高花套为弱套时,即使牌型平均,选择2阶高花的部分定约在多数情况下要优于一无将定约;



-- 1NT-2H-2S-4H: 即先2阶转移到S再跳4H,表示5-5高花但只有进局牌力,让开叫方选择4阶高花定约;

-- 1NT-2D/2H-2H/2S-2NT*: 特殊叫品,5+高花及另一未显示的4张低花,进局逼叫,将在(2)中详细介绍;

-- 1NT-2D/2H-2H/2S-3C或3D: 5+高花及所叫的5+低花,进局逼叫,将在(3)中详细介绍;

-- 1NT-2D-2H-2S*: 特殊叫品,表示4张H与5+S, 邀叫以上牌力,逼叫一轮,将在后续系列中详细介绍;

-- 1NT-2H-2S-3H*: 特殊叫品,表示4张S与5+H, 进局逼叫,将在后续系列中详细介绍。

  西                   东         采用本体系的叫牌:      西          东
S   J 6             K Q 7 4 2                                     1NT     2H(转移)
H   J 9 6         8                                                  2S     2NT(另有4张低花)
D   A J 7          K Q 4                       .......
C   A K Q 7 2   8 6 5 3    

-- 3C: 否定高花有3张以上配合,询问应叫方的短门花色。应叫方的回答为:3D=D单缺;3M=C单缺;3OM=OM单缺;3NT=5-4-2-2,无满贯兴趣;4C/4D=4张套,5-4-2-2,满贯兴趣。此后开叫人可决定定约的最后去向。

-- 3D: 有3张以上的高花配合同时自己还有一门4张以上低花套,询问应叫人的低花套,希望有可能发现有双套配合的满贯。应叫人的答叫为:   3H=4张C套,满贯兴趣;3S=4张D套,满贯兴趣; 4M=止叫,无满贯兴趣。应叫人叫出其他新花均为满贯试探,其复杂的约定叫将在后续系列的“满贯试探“中介绍。
-- 3M: 3张以上高花支持,高限但无另外4张以上低花。应叫人可再叫4M止叫、扣叫或4NT RKC 试探满贯。

-- 4M: 3张以上高花支持,低限,无兴趣寻找低花配合。应叫人在没有足够牌力时应PASS。

-- 1NT-2D-2H-2NT后,开叫方再叫3S表示5张S,否定3张以上H支持(当然也没有4张低花,因为5张S开叫1NT通常为5-3-3-2牌型),看看应叫方是否有3张S配合。

        西                                                           东
      1NT                                                      2H(转移叫)
      2S(无条件转移)                           2NT(另有4张低花)
      3C(无S配合,问单缺花色)       3H (H单缺)
      4C(不能打3NT,寻找低花配合)     5C(有4张C配合)
    如果西的H J96 变为 H AQ9, 则应在东的3H后叫3NT。

    西                     东           叫牌过程     西       东
S     6 3              A K 7 4 2                    1NT     2H
H   J 9 6            8                                  2S     2NT
D   A J 7            K Q 4                           3C     3H
C   A K Q 7 2   8 6 4 3                          4C     4S(4张C支持,好的S控制)
                                                               4NT     5C (一个关键张--SA, C为将牌)
                                                               6C       PASS
  西                 东           叫牌过程:   西         东
S A K 7 2     8 6                                1 NT     2D
H 6 4           A K 8 3 2                        2H       2NT
D A Q 7       5 3                                  3C     3NT(5-4-2-2)
C K 9 5 2     Q J 4 3                          PASS(没必要找低花配合了)

  西                    东     叫牌过程:     西     东
S   A J 5           2                             1NT     2D
H   Q 7 6          K 8 5 3 2              2H       2NT
D   A Q             K J 3                       3D*     3H**     *H配合另有低花套   **4张C,满贯兴趣
C   Q J 6 3 2   A K 5 4                    4C       4NT*** ***C为将牌的RKC问叫
                                                          5S****   6C     ****2关键张加CQ
  西                      东         叫牌过程:   西       东
S   K 9 4         A Q 6 4 2                    1NT       2H
H   A K 8 5     Q 6                               2S         2NT
D   K J 5         A 9 6 2                         4S*       PASS   *S有配合,低限无4张以上低花
C   J 9 4          6 2                    

  应 叫人先进行2阶高花转移叫后再叫出3阶低花,表示第2套低花在5张以上的进局逼叫,这是与本期(2)中再叫2NT表示4张低花的严格区别,使得应叫人所描 述的牌型更为准确。经验表明,一手持有5-5以上的双套牌在同伴有所配合时具有较大的坐庄价值,远远优于5-4套的赢墩潜力。请看我队不久前在一次重要比 赛上的一副牌:
  本人               搭档       叫牌过程: 本人         搭档
S   J X X X     A Q X X X                                      Pass
H   A X X        X                                   1NT     2H (转移叫)
D   A K X X     X X                               2S       3C (5+C套,进局逼叫)
C   K X         A X X X X                        3S*     4C**    
                                                            4NT     5S***
                                                            6S       Pass
*** 以S为将牌,2个关键张加SQ

-- 3NT: 高花无配合,低花有一定配合,且另2门花色有好牌力;

-- 加叫高花到3阶:高花配合好,且低花也有支持(如牌例4-5),其他两门花色无废牌点,满贯兴趣;

-- 加叫高花到4阶:高花有好配合但低花支持差,另2门花色有废牌点,示意止叫;

-- 3阶叫新花:扣叫,低花好支持但高花为双张。应叫人低花套不强而另2门花色有牌点可3NT叫停

-- 4阶叫新花:扣叫,低花好支持(4张)但高花有3张小支持,应叫人在没有进满贯牌力时可叫回4阶高花止叫。

(4) 转移叫的“超级接受“(Super-accepts)
  在标准无将叫牌手段中,许多搭档间对转移叫采用一种“超级接受"(Super-accepts)的约定, 即对应叫人2阶高花的转移要求,开叫人直接跳到3阶高花(或2NT等其他叫品)来显示4张将牌配合的高限牌力,以便应叫人在持有边缘牌时可作出准确的进局判断。
但 在本体系中,由于应叫人持5张高花邀叫时不需通过转移叫(见本系列讨论第3期),在用高花转移叫时,应叫人要么持弱牌希望停在2阶上,要么将会作下一轮再 叫来显示某种牌型(见本期(1)中的描述)。 因此,本体系没必要采用标准手段中所用的那种“超级接受”。作为一种取代手段,本体系建议用“超级接受“来寻找有9个快速赢墩的低限3NT定约,其约定如 下:
-- 1NT-2D/2S-2NT*: 所转移的高花上有2个大牌的4张,另有旁门花色的3个快速赢墩。如:
      西         东                        叫牌过程            西               东
S K Q X X     A X X X X X                                1NT           2H(本希望转移到2S后pass)
H A X X       X X                                                2NT*(见上所述) 3NT(可数出9个快速赢墩,何乐不为)
D A K X       X X                                               Pass
C J X X       X X X

-- 越过所转移高花叫出新花色*:所转移的高花4张带一大牌,旁门花色有4个快速赢墩。如:
    西                      东                叫牌过程     西                                   东
S   A X X X     K Q X X X                              1NT                        2H(本希望转移到2S后pass)
H   A K Q     X X                                            3D*(见上所述)   3NT(何乐而不为)
D   A X X     X X                                             Pass
C   X X X     J X X    


-- 跳叫到3阶所转移高花*: 开叫人正好有5张所转移的高花(不要忘记本体系鼓励5张高花开叫)。无论应叫人持牌如何弱,根据总墩数定律,联手有5-5将牌配合时,叫到3阶总是不会吃 亏的。而且一旦应叫人有一定牌型,即使只有4-6点的低限,叫到局也是有很大机会做成的。

如果为 5H+4S 的邀叫牌力,细心的牌友可能还记得我们在本系列(3)的高花邀叫中已经讨论过,即选择1NT-2C-2D-2H 的邀叫途径,当开叫人没有3张以上H支持但有4张S时会再叫2S(低限)或3S(高限),S的4-4配合总不会错过。
但 是,如果应叫人的高花结构为 5S+4H 又怎么办呢?如果仍选择1NT-2C-2D-2H邀叫,开叫人持3张H加3张甚至4张S低限时会PASS,从而使4-3配的2H为最后定约而错过可能存在 的5-3甚至5-4配的S定约,岂不是很荒唐?而如果选择1NT-2C-2D-2S来邀叫,开叫方在持有2张S但有4张H的低限时会再叫2NT,而错过 4-4的H定约,同样不合理。如何解决这一问题?这是我们在系列(3)中讨论高花邀叫时留下的尾巴。(其实这样的问题在标准的1NT后续叫牌中同样存 在)。
针对这样的问题, 澳大利亚另一桥牌理论家Alan Walsh提出了以下思想:
应 用这一思想,5S+4H 的邀叫就可以采用 1NT-2D-2H-2S 这条路线来解决,即先转移的H为4张,再叫的S为5张。当然应叫人再叫2S后,开叫人如果只有2张S但有4张H的低限牌时就必须上到3H,从而超过2阶水 平。这是本约定所带来的唯一不足,但综合权衡应该是得大于失。

采用与5S+4H 的邀叫相同的路线,即1NT-2D-2H-2S,但当开叫人持低限选择2NT后再叫3H。再叫一次先表示过的4张高花来重新表明高花套为5-5。一无将开 叫人的通常牌型为4-3-3-3,4-4-3-2 或 5-3-3-2, 2门高花总会有一门为3张, 因此5-5高花的应叫人一般总能找到5-3配的高花配合,而且持5-5高花牌型优势的应叫人上到3阶的风险也不大。

5S+4H: 1NT-2D-2H-3S
5H+4S: 1NT-2H-2S-3H

1NT-2H-2S-4H, 让开叫方示选一门4阶高花,无满贯兴趣。

      西               东                       叫牌过程     西         东
S 7 4 3         Q 8 6 5 2                                 1NT       2H(转移到S)
H A K 5         Q 4                                            2S       3NT(5-3-3-2,S为弱套)
D A K 7 3 2   Q 5 4                                         Pass*       *虽有S配合,但明显3NT优于4S
C J 9               K Q 4

五. 低花转移叫及其后续叫牌
--方块单套弱牌:1NT-2C-2D-PASS. 这个过程在系列讨论(3)中已经介绍过,应叫人的2C通常只是一个“傀儡叫”,要求开叫人无条件接力到2D。而当应叫人再PASS这个2D后,前面的2C 实质上已经起到了转移叫的作用,即转移到方块,并可以使定约停在2阶。这种特定情况下的2C可以称作“条件转移叫”。

--草花单套弱牌:1NT-2NT-3C-PASS, 由于要到3阶,C套一般应在6张以上。1NT后应叫人的2NT任何时候都是转移叫3C,毫无例外。与刚才的2C相比,2NT可称为“绝对转移叫”。


--只有成局牌力:持均型牌的5-6低花套但只有成局牌力时,一般均选择1NT-3NT-PASS 的过程,没必要显示出低花套和采用转移叫。

--有满贯兴趣的牌力:应叫人先转移到低花后再叫出3NT,即1NT-2C-2D-3NT(这里的2C也可称为“条件转移叫” 和 1NT-2NT-3C-3NT这两个叫牌顺序,即表示持5张单套低花的满贯邀叫。

    西         东                                   叫牌过程     西       东
S   A 8 6         K 4                                         1NT         2C(傀儡叫,接力到2D,这里为条件转移叫)
H   K Q 8 7     A T 4                                      2D          3NT(5张D的均型牌,满贯邀叫)
D   A 6 5         K Q J T 4                                6NT*     PASS     *高限,好控制,直接叫到6NT)
C   A T 9         Q J 7

--5+C加4张高花:1NT-2NT(转移叫)-3C-3H/3S. 即先转移到3C后再叫出3阶高花。
开叫人的再叫:3NT=想打;4C=高花无支持,确定C为将牌,不适合打3NT或有C的满贯兴趣; 4H/4S=想打; 其他新花=高花支持的高限或双套配合,扣叫,看看应叫人是否有满贯兴趣。

--5+D加4张高花:1NT-2C-2D-3H/3S, 即先通过“傀儡叫"接力到2D后再跳叫3阶高花。这个过程的2C也可以认为是一种“条件转移叫”。开叫人的再叫和上面相似。

      西        东                                      叫牌过程     西       东
S     A J 8 7     K T 9 4                                         1NT     2C(条件转移叫)
H   A 7 6 2     5 4                                                   2D       3S*     *5+D及4S,逼叫
D   K 6           A Q 9 4 2                                        4S**     Pass   ** S配合,低限
C   K 7 5 4     Q 2    

--5-5 以上或5-4双套低花:1NT-2NT-3C-3D, 即先转移到3C,再叫出3D。特别要注意的是:这里C套并不一定保证比D套长,5D+4C或5C+4D均可以! 应叫人在持有5-4低花结构而使用这样的叫品时,通常在其某门高花上有单张小牌或2门高花上均任何无牌力,对3NT定约不放心。因此,开叫人的再叫首先应 以试探3NT为目标:3NT=2门高花上均有牌力;3H=H有挡但S无挡;3S=S有挡但H无挡;4阶低花=所叫低花4张以上,有满贯兴趣。
    西       东                                           叫牌过程         西      东
S   A K 3        7                                                          1NT       2NT*     *转移到C
H   9 4 3        Q J 2                                                   3C         3D
D   A J 5 2     K Q 7 4 3                                            3S**     3NT     ** S有挡但H无挡
C   A 7 4         K J 6 5                                                Pass 

六. 1NT-2S及其后续叫牌
1NT-2S-2NT= 低限,15点或控制较差的16点
1NT-2S-3C= 高限,控制较好的16点或17点
应叫人采用这个叫品时,要么持有邀叫牌力的均型牌(包括5张低花套的均型牌)想试探3NT, 要么就是持有6张以上单花色套有满贯兴趣以上的牌力,通过这一路径作满贯试探。

  在 1NT(15-17点)开叫后,当应叫人持8-9点牌的平均牌型且没有4张高花时,一定希望通过某种手段作3NT邀叫。最自然、最简单明了的邀叫当然是 1NT-2NT。但是对约定了4花色转移叫的牌手,2NT为转移到3D的约定叫,那么邀叫3NT要先通过2C的Stayman问高花后再叫2NT来显示 (尽管此时应叫人手上没有4张高花),在此过程中开叫人对Stayman 2C的高花答叫极有可能暴露了有利对方首攻和后续防守的信息。
  1NT-2S-2NT- PASS        

    西                    东                               叫牌过程     西     东
S     A 9 4        K T 5                                               1NT     2S
H     A Q 6 2     8 5                                                  3C     3NT
D     A K 5        Q 8 7 4 2                                      Pass
C     9 6 4        Q J 5        

(2) 6张以上单套花色的满贯试探
在 1NT-2S-2NT或3C后,应叫人的3阶新花(或3C后的4C)再叫均是显示6张以上套并有满贯兴趣,要求开叫人以此花色为将进行罗马关键张的加级答 叫,如常用的14-30-2(没Q)-2(有Q), 或03-14-2(没Q)-2(有Q),或其他方式,取决于搭档之间的约定。之后,应叫人再叫新花为对该花色的控制问叫,开叫人按4级答叫的方式来回答:
加1级=无第3轮以上控制,即3张以上最多为 J 带头的小牌


    西                     东                          叫牌过程     西          东
S    J 9 8 5          A                                              1NT          2S
H   K Q 5            A J 8 7 6 2                               3C           3H
D   A K 9 7         Q J 5                                         4D           5C
C   K 5               A T 9                                          5NT        6D
                                                                              6NT        7H

七. 1NT后的Splinter应叫
  我们已经讨论了当持双花色套的强牌时,应叫人总可以 先转移到一门花色然后再叫另一套花色(逼叫)来显示,而持6张以上单套强牌时可以通过1NT-2S的途径来进行满贯试探。那么应叫人直接跳到3阶叫出某一 个花色,即1NT-3C/3D/3H/3S 是什么意思呢?标准叫牌手段对此似乎没有统一公认的约定,而在你们的搭档配合中,可能有具体约定。但在本体系中,这一叫品明确规定为splinter应 叫,表示某门花色单缺同时否定持有5张以上高花(有5张以上高花一律先用转移叫),进局逼叫以上牌力。
  特别注意的是,与传统的splinter直接叫出单缺花色的方式不同,本体系跳到3阶所叫出的花色是表示该花色的上一级花色为单缺(3S除外),即用 :
  1NT-3C= D 单缺
  1NT-3D= H 单缺
  1NT-3H= S 单缺
  1NT-3S= C 单缺

-- 4-4-4-1,5(低花)-4-4-0 或 5(低花)-4-3-1, 即应叫人持3套或准3套牌,希望找到与开叫人对其中任何一套的配合;
-- 持有一门6张以上低花套类似于6-3-3-1或7-3-2-1的牌型,担心开叫人在自己单缺花色上无牌力而不能打3NT

      西           东                                              叫牌过程     西         东
S     K 9               A J 6 3                                                1NT       3D*     *   H 单缺
H   A K J             8                                                          3NT**     PASS   ** H 的止张足够,又没有4张S
D   K 9 7 3        A T 6 5
C   K 8 4 3        Q 7 5 2

      西         东                                           叫牌过程       西             东
S   A 7 5           4                                                          1NT            3H*       * S单缺
H   K J 6 2     A 8 4 3                                                   4H**        PASS    ** 有4张H
D   Q J 7 4     K 9 5 2                  
C   A 9            Q J 8 5    

    西         东                                          叫牌过程     西              东
S   K Q 7       A 8 5                                                  1NT            3C*        *D 单缺
H A Q 9 2     8 5 3                                                   3H**         3NT ***   ** 有4张H
D J 9 3       5                                                            4C****       5C         ***没有4张H配合
C K J 4       A Q 8 6 3 2                                            PASS                 ****D太差,不能打3NT

(3) 开叫人在同伴splinter后再叫同伴的单缺花色
    西           东                                         叫牌过程     西       东
S   K Q 2         A J 6 4                                             1NT       3C*         * D 单缺
H   A K Q 4     8 7 2                                                3D[2]     3S[3]     [2] 16-17个有效点,D无废点
D   8 7 3         9                                                       4C[4]     6C       [3] 有4张S但无4张H(越过定)    
C   Q 7 5        A K J 4 2                                             Pass                   [4] 无4张S配合,有3张以上C