Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Minor Suit Stayman

Minor Suit Stayman is an extension of the Stayman and Jacoby Transfer conventions. If you play transfer bids over 1NT, then a 2response shows spades, thereby making a direct 2 response an idle bid. Playing Minor Suit Stayman, 2 becomes an artificial inquiry asking opener for a 4-card minor.
Opener  Responder

The 2 response to 1NT is artificial, showing:
  • 5-4 shape or longer in the minors. 4-4 distribution is okay with strong hands interested in slam.
  • Interest in game or slam. Minimum strength depends on the opening 1NT range. Opposite a strong 1NT, responder should have a minimum of 8 points.
  • Denies a 4-card major. Otherwise, responder should use Stayman.
Responder's minor suit length may vary depending on the overall strength of his hand. With minimum strength, e.g. 8 points opposite a strong 1NT, responder should have at least 5-4 distribution in the minors. With interest in slam, responder need only be 4-4 in the minors.
Examples of Minor-Suit Stayman hands (opposite a strong 1NT opener):

Opener's Rebids

After hearing 2 response, opener's rebids are as follows. Note that unlike regular Stayman, opener has some latitude in judging whether to reveal a 4-card suit. Specifically, opener is allowed to bid 3/ with a major suit control and a 4-card minor. This is because identifying a minor-suit fit may be less important than reaching a good 3NT contract.
2NTDenies a 4-card minor. Implies stoppers in both major suits.
3CShows 4+ clubs. With 4-4 shape in the minors, opener should bid 3C.
3DShows 4+ diamonds. (Denies 4+ clubs.)
3HShows a heart stopper, and invites partner to bid 3NT with a spade control. Forcing. Opener may have a 4-card minor with highly balanced shape and strength, and merely looking to see if 3NT is the best fit.
3SShows a spade stopper, and invites partner to bid 3NT with a heart control. Forcing. Opener may have a 4-card minor with highly balanced shape and strength, and merely looking to see if 3NT is the best fit.
3NTDenies a 4-card minor. Shows maximum strength with stoppers in both major suits.
4CShows 4+ clubs and maximum strength.
4DShows 4+ diamonds and maximum strength.

Responder's Rebids

Most of responder's rebids are natural. The exception is bidding a new major suit, which shows a singleton or void. For the sake of completeness, though, below are all of responder's rebids based on opener's rebid.

After Opener Rebids 2NT

Responder's RebidMeaning
PassMinimum strength, relatively balanced. Probably 5-4 in the minors. Responder should bid a minor with 5-5 distribution (or longer.)
3CNatural and non-forcing with 5+ clubs. Suggests 5 diamonds because opener is allowed to run to 3.
3DNatural and non-forcing with 5+ diamonds. Opener is expected to pass.
3HA singleton or void in hearts with slam interest. Forcing.
3SA singleton or void in spades with slam interest. Forcing.
3NTTo play.
4CStrong and forcing with 5+ clubs.
4DStrong and forcing with 5+ diamonds.

After Opener Rebids 3C

Responder's RebidMeaning
PassMinimum strength.
3DStrong and forcing with 5+ diamonds.
3HA singleton or void in hearts with slam interest. Forcing.
3SA singleton or void in spades with slam interest. Forcing.
3NTNatural and non-forcing. Responder may be something like 2-2-5-4 shape and willing to stop in no-trumps.
4CNatural and invitational to 5. Shows unbalanced shape because it bypasses 3NT.
4DOpen for partnership discussion. Could be a cuebid with interest in a diamond slam, OR natural and forcing with 5+ diamonds.

After Opener Rebids 3D

Responder's RebidMeaning
PassMinimum strength.
3HA singleton or void in hearts with slam interest. Forcing.
3SA singleton or void in spades with slam interest. Forcing.
3NTNatural and non-forcing. Responder may be something like 2-2-4-5 shape and willing to stop in no-trumps.
4COpen for partnership discussion. Could be a cuebid with interest in a club slam, OR natural and forcing with 5+ diamonds.
4DNatural and invitational to 5. Shows unbalanced shape because it bypasses 3NT.

After Opener Rebids 3H

Responder's RebidMeaning
3SA singleton or void in spades with slam interest. Forcing.
3NTTo play.
4CNatural and forcing with 5+ clubs.
4DNatural and forcing with 5+ diamonds.
4HNatural and non-forcing with 3 hearts and unbalanced shape. Proposes playing in the 4-3 major suit fit.

After Opener Rebids 3S

Responder's RebidMeaning
3NTTo play.
4CNatural and forcing with 5+ clubs.
4DNatural and forcing with 5+ diamonds.
3HA singleton or void in hearts with slam interest. Forcing.
4SNatural and non-forcing with 3 spades and unbalanced shape. Proposes playing in the 4-3 major suit fit.


The following examples assume a 15-17 1NT opening bid. You can of course tailor Minor Suit Stayman to fit your own 1NT range.

2NT (2)

2 (1)
  1. Minor Suit Stayman
  2. Denies a 4-card minor and suggests minimum strength.


3C (2)
5D (4)

2S (1)
4NT (3)
  1. Minor Suit Stayman
  2. Showing 4+ clubs
  3. 1430 Roman Key Card Blackwood
  4. 3 key cards
  5. Signoff. It's worth pointing out that clubs as trumps will yield an extra ruffing trick compared to 6NT.


3S (2)

2S (1)
  1. Minor Suit Stayman
  2. Showing a spade stopper and asking responder for a heart control. Note the decision to bypass 3 with 4-3-3-3 shape and a bad suit.
  3. Natural, promising a heart stopper.

1 comment:

  1. 用MSS,需要先解决2nt后relay 3c,应叫者只有d套的后续叫牌问题。强、弱、邀叫牌怎么表达?
    当然,也可以取消3c的puppet stayman,3d用3c转。继发损失是,若应叫者11+,开叫者有5张高套,他们再也找不到5-3配的高花了。
