Sunday, December 11, 2011

The Kokish Relay

How to bid 6S with following hand?  ♠ AKJ2 ♥ A105 ♦AKQ2    ♣AK with pardner hand ♠ Q876 ♥ Q2 ♦3 ♣ 1096432

Open 3NT with a big hand? – don't be silly.
What is 3NT in the sequence 2 - 2 - 3NT? Answer – a very silly bid!
You hold one of these hands and partner opens 3NT (25+) . Or else it goes 2 - 2 - 3NT to show 25+.
Hand A Hand B Should you pass or bid Stayman with Hand A?
Should you pass or transfer with Hand B?
8632 86532 Obviously it's a complete lottery and most players past the beginner's stage play have some way to show the big balanced hand below the level of 3NT (Benjamin twos, Multi 2 or Kokish).
4 74
J872 J872
843 843
Traditionally 3NT here (and/or an opening of 3NT) are used to show very big balanced hands, 25+ points. But there is absolutely no doubt that this is very silly as it inhibits the use of transfers/Stayman/Baron whatever by a very weak responder. One solution is to also play 2 as also a strong bid (or else Multi with a strong balanced hand included) so that the sequence 2 - 2 - 2NT shows 25+. However, many players, especially from America , are not enlightened enough to play two strong artificial bids. But if you play 2 as your only strong bid then one North American player has actually come up with a scheme to solve the problem: –

The Kokish relay : -

After a strong 2 and 2 response (negative or waiting – however you play it)
Then 2 = either natural with a suit or 25+ balanced.
Responder then always bids 2 (the Kokish relay which says nothing at all) and –
Opener then defines his hand: 2NT = 25+ balanced
Any other bid = strong opener.
Note that the Kokish relay works fine with 2 waiting/2 negative when responder bids 2 but when responder bids 2 (totally bust) then there is a problem. But at least the Kokish relay solves the problem most of the time. If you want to solve it completely then play Benjamin twos or the Multi 2 or play 2 negative to 2.
For details of Benjamin twos or the Multi 2, refer to the link.
And what should a 3NT opening mean? Have a look at the Gambling 3NT.

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