Thursday, October 18, 2018

1NT opening

2C, stayman
2D/2H, transfer to H and S
2S/2NT, transfer to C and D
3C, Puppet
3D, 2 majors 5-5
3H, singleton H, 3S,minors 54 or 45
3S,  singleton H, 3S,minors 54 or 45
3NT,sign off
4C, modified minorwood on C
4D, modified minorwood on D
4H, 2 minors 5-5? TBD
4S, Gerber
4NT, quantative

1 comment:

  1. "3H, singleton H, 3S,minors 54 or 45
    3S, singleton H, 3S,minors 54 or 45"?
    typo here
